
Showing posts from January, 2017

#LIGHTtheWORLD Days 6 & 15

Christmas has come and gone. All that remains are empty boxes, trash cans full of wrapping paper, and many happy memories. I promise to write about those memories in a future post, but today I wanted to wrap up my thoughts on the #LIGHTtheWORLD campaign: I truly believe that this campaign was inspired for this Christmas season. Following a tumultuous November, we needed a little hope and love in the world; Christ is the perfect antidote to fear, anger, and despair. Each day I read about the ways that He selflessly served, and I tried to implement the concepts of service into my daily activities and into my writings. I didn't blog about all 25 days, but I wrote as often as I could. I don't know if my service or my words have made a difference to anyone but myself. But I know that I grew closer to my Savior throughout December. Here is a picture of me at Temple Square and my final thoughts about #LIGHTtheWORLD:   Day 6 - Jesus read the scriptures and so can you. I ha...