Tell Your Story

I had the great opportunity to listen to writer Brian Doyle when he visited BYU on Friday. He shared both his essays and his wisdom. I was blown away by not only his talent as a writer but his uncanny ability to touch those around him. He is a very inspiring man, and I hope you get the chance to someday read his work. I just want to share my favorite quotes by him:

"The gift of you is the greatest gift you can give anyone."
Out of all the billions of people who have lived before you and that live now and that have yet to be born, there is not one other single person who is just like you. You are unique. God created you differently than everyone else. You have talents and gifts and so much that you can bring to the world.

"All moments are pregnant with miracles."
Miracles are all around us. Look for them.

"There are no small moments."
Brian believes that every moment in our lives is significant. The trick is appreciating these moments and understanding the meaning behind them.

"Stories matter."
As a writer, he obviously is an advocate for the written work. But this quote extends beyond that. We all have a story to tell--of laughter and tears, of trial and triumph. These stories need to be told. Whether to our friends or children or in the pages of a diary, tell your story. Someone somewhere needs to hear what you have to say.
