Every Word Creates a Memory

Almost three years ago I started this blog for one of my college classes. I thought the class would help me improve my writing through grammar exercises, peer editing, and never-ending assigned readings. While I did become a better writer, I also became a better person. My professor focused the entire class on refugees. We had our eyes opened to the world, to past and present hardships. We were taught how to make a difference not only through our writing but through our actions.

That class changed me. Since then, I have served an 18-month mission trip for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Since then, I have volunteered regularly for the local food bank. Since then, I have helped plan a race and culture fair that will donate all proceeds to refugees.

Three years is a long time, and I have had many beautiful experiences. I have written most of them down in Word documents, journals, and notes on my phone. But I think it's time to share them with you. I debated starting a new blog but decided to continue this one. I wanted to remember the things I learned three years ago.

I believe that every word creates a memory. Text messages, Snapchats, to-do lists, homework assignments--those are all memories. Memories of where we were, what we did, what we thought. And though they may seem insignificant, those memories make up our lives.

I don't know if anyone will ever read this or if I'm writing just for myself. (And honestly, I don't know how often I'll post here.) But these words are my memories. And if you--whoever you are--read them, they become your memories too.

Let's create some memories together.


  1. What race and culture fair is this your planning? I want to come!

    1. A group of BYU students are planning a race on October 8th in Provo to raise money for refugees. I joined their publicity committee to get some more PR experience.

      http://www.run4refuge.com/ is the website. :)


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