
Showing posts from October, 2016

I hope we laugh in heaven

I spent a year and a half without access to the Internet, the news, or any type of media. The only major events I even heard about were the ebola scare and the attacks in Paris. While on my mission, I saw the effects of poverty, immigration, and other hardships, but I was blind to the anger, hate, and intolerance that now fills the news and my newsfeed. I choose to believe that people are inherently good; sometimes we just lose sight of that. I do not believe that the problems of the world will go away no matter who is president, no matter what laws are passed, etc. I believe that it begins in our own hearts as we make the decision to love. I wrote this a few months ago and forgot all about it until now, and I wanted to share: It's true: We have a lot of differences. Race, religion, political affiliation-- Just to name a few. But overall, We are the same. You laugh and cry like me. When we get to heaven, I hope we laugh together About the "issue...

Human Moments

School has started up again, and free time for creativity is nonexistent. However, my busy schedule inspired today's thoughts, and I really wanted to write about it. So here it goes: On Thursday, I woke up with a sore throat but shrugged it off and got ready like normal. I washed my hair, picked out an outfit, dropped off my husband at class, and headed to work. The longer I sat at my desk, the worse I felt. By the end of my shift, I knew I needed to go home. I swallowed my pride and put away my to-do list. Instead of going to class, I spent the day cuddled up on my couch watching Netflix and napping. At one point, though, I started to cry. Not because a sore throat and a headache are devastatingly painful, but because I wanted to be living my normal schedule. I wanted to get back to my busy life of taking 15 credits, working part-time, planning a 5K, going to club meetings and church activities, maintaining my own household, attempting to have a social life AND a hot bod, and ...