Human Moments

School has started up again, and free time for creativity is nonexistent. However, my busy schedule inspired today's thoughts, and I really wanted to write about it. So here it goes:

On Thursday, I woke up with a sore throat but shrugged it off and got ready like normal. I washed my hair, picked out an outfit, dropped off my husband at class, and headed to work. The longer I sat at my desk, the worse I felt. By the end of my shift, I knew I needed to go home. I swallowed my pride and put away my to-do list. Instead of going to class, I spent the day cuddled up on my couch watching Netflix and napping.

At one point, though, I started to cry. Not because a sore throat and a headache are devastatingly painful, but because I wanted to be living my normal schedule. I wanted to get back to my busy life of taking 15 credits, working part-time, planning a 5K, going to club meetings and church activities, maintaining my own household, attempting to have a social life AND a hot bod, and learning to cook food that doesn't come from a box.

But this week I was reminded that I am human: I get sick. I get hurt--physically and emotionally. I cry for no reason. I get offended and I offend others. I make mistakes. I have weaknesses and limitations. I can't do everything I want to do...and that's okay. 

It's okay to take a break, take a breather, take a nap. It's okay to cry. It's okay to have human moments. These moments aren't going to go away. We need to embrace them and use them to come closer to God, closer to those around us, and closer to ourselves. I have learned many things about myself when I feel at my weakest or lowest point.

Our human moments turn into memories and reasons to smile. Here is a "sick selfie" of my sweet husband and me bonding over this week's human moment:
