#LIGHTtheWorld Days 3-5

DAY 3 - Jesus helped others to see and so can you

When I saw the theme for Day 3, the first thing that came to my mind was the lyrics to the traditional Christian hymn "Amazing Grace:"

Amazing grace
How sweet the sounds
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost 
But now am found
Was blind but now I see 

At times, we get blinded by the vanities of the world, but Christ helps us regain perspective. At times, we get blinded by our own weaknesses, but Christ shows us our individual worth. I listened to multiple versions of "Amazing Grace" trying to find my favorite. I love BYU Noteworthy (and I know the vocal percussionist!), so I chose to share their version today.


DAY 4 - Jesus worshipped His Father and so can you.


verb / wor·ship / wər-shəp 
Definition: to honor or reverence as a divine being

In high school, between early-morning seminary, show choir rehearsals, marching band practice, musical rehearsal, AP classes, all-state choir rehearsals, Church activities, and a social life, Sundays became my day to nap and to catch up on homework. After my mission, I made a goal to never do my homework on Sundays. And let me tell you, that decision has changed my life. First, I never have a problem getting everything done during the week. The Lord has definitely blessed me with better time management. Second, having a day to escape from my busy schedule gives me peace and restores my sanity. 

I truly believe that Sunday is a holy day. It is not a day for homework, work, or recreation--it is a day of worship

One of the most powerful analogies I have ever heard came from a mother who lost her son. Every year on his birthday, the mother would celebrate her son's life by eating his favorite foods and doing his favorite things. It was his day. I'm sure that mother thought of her son daily, but once a year, she truly honored his life.

Likewise, we should glorify our Father in Heaven on His day. While we do think of Him daily, once a week He asks that we more fully honor Him. When we put aside the world, we are able to dedicate ourselves completely to Him. He understands that we have to work, study, and complete a million other tasks. He knows we enjoy baseball games, concerts, and movies. But on Sundays, He asks that we do the things that He wants us to do.

There is no list of do's and don't on what is appropriate Sunday behavior--that is between us and the Lord. But all that we do should be done in the spirit of worship.


DAY 5 - Jesus healed the sick and so can you.

My blog is called "Life in Color." Right now my life is full of bright yellows, pinks, and greens with an occasional gray on particularly stressful days. But if you asked me what color my life was in high school, there was a period when I would have answered,

"Dark black."

I cried myself to sleep more times than I could count. I complained about everyone and everything. No matter how many people were around me, I always felt lonely. For months, I was miserable. I blamed it on teenage angst. It wasn't until years later in a conversation with my mother that I realized that it might have been something more. 

In addition to my own experiences, depression and mental illness have played a big role in my life through family and friends who have suffered from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. I have seen the scars that result from self-harm and heard the tragic thoughts of suicide.

My own mental darkness went away when I more fully discovered Christ. As I invited Him into my life and heart, His light scattered the darkness and showed me color once again. Not everyone finds healing in this life; for some, relief might not come until heaven. But I know Christ will help us carry our burdens, no matter how heavy they may seem.

Learn more about mental illness and faith here.

