Life is more than a resume

I haven't been too successful at my goal to be a regular blogger. I have many thoughts that often make it scribbled into a small notebook in my purse or hastily added to the notes on my phone, but my thoughts rarely make it into coherent sentences posted for the internet to read. I hope to be sharing more of my thoughts with you in the next few months as summer arrives.

Figuring out my summer plans has been stressful. I am (finally) in a major that I love, but boy is it competitive. It seems like every day the professors announce, "You should have five internships by the time you graduate." And every day I hear other students describing their elaborate summer plans to work in New York City or intern for a national PR firm. As everyone else's summer plans solidified, I started to worry that I wasn't doing enough, that I wasn't going to keep up with my peers, that I wouldn't graduate as a marketable employee. I started frantically looking for internships, but nothing panned out. [cue panic]

After a few stress-filled days, I came to my senses. I had found some great opportunities that would enable me to continue developing valuable skills without having to move or quit my job. It would enable me to take summer classes, keeping me on my track to graduation. And it would enable me to have time to read books, watch movies, play the piano, volunteer, go hiking, travel, play board games, enjoy the sunshine, practice Spanish, go to the temple, and million other things. This summer I don't just want to build my resume. I want to make memories. I want to become a better person. I want to become closer to God. I want to build my life. And I want to share more of it with you.


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