I'm Done Apologizing

Over two years have passed since I've last posted on my blog. I've always been a sporadic writer, and so many of my posts start with "I should write more."

And I should write more. But I shouldn't do it to impress my three followers or to build a brand. I should write more because I want to. 

Instead of feeling guilty for not writing more, I want to feel grateful for writing at all: grateful to improve my skill, grateful to document my thoughts in this online journal and grateful to possibly touch the heart of someone else.

Morgan Harper Nichols, one of my favorite creators, recently shared an original poem on her Instagram account (which you should really go follow @morganharpernichols). In the caption, she wrote how she hesitated to share the poem since it was shorter then her typical work.

"Maybe I don't always have to do 'more,'" she wrote. "I don't question the speed of the waves or the size of the clouds as near as much as I question myself."

So I'm done apologizing.

I'm done apologizing for not writing when life gets busy. I'm done apologizing for not posting because my thoughts are too personal or too unpolished. Writer's block and distractions happen, and they may happen frequently. My desire to create may always be there, but my execution may not always happen as planned.

I recently read the following quote (author unknown) and wanted to share in case someone else may be experiencing feelings similar to mine:
